PVD coatings are processes that are highly compatible with the requirements of space applications.
Guarantees extreme levels of adhesion, cleanliness and minimum levels of outgassing.
ASTRO BLACK® coating is a stable ceramic coating that is unaffected by the extreme conditions and vacuum of space, as it can withstand temperatures up to 500°C or as low as -180°C and solar radiation.
Its high emissivity and absorbance values ensure adequate thermal control of the coated parts, allowing a high fraction of the heat from the coated parts to radiate into the space.
It was the solution chosen by the European Space Agency (ESA) for the Solar Orbiter mission. The probe was launched on February 10, 2020 and the objective is to study the origin of space weather created by the sun.
MICROSLIDE coating is a molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) with exceptional tribological properties and is ideal for space applications. Typical parts with this coating are shafts, bearings and gears for rockets and satellites.
It has been applied in the following missions: